
After registration, users need to get seeds to start the game. Ways to get seeds:

● Offline: codes in restaurants, cinemas, billboards

● Events at offline events

● Engaging opinion leaders

● Collaborations

● Eco-community and partnerships with it

● Partnerships with sports teams

● A set of exclusive NFTs with geo-referenced locations

● QR codes on real merchandise at retail

Growing seeds can turn into two types of plants: trees that bring in-game resources or ents that help players.

Trees and ents have unique characteristics and can be bred.

Breeding affects characteristics by improving them or bringing in special features. For example, when a user breeds rarer plants, more resources or new unique colors can be obtained. The mechanics of crossing ents can affect the number of actions, skills, and specializations. Ents will be NPC companions, inhabiting different territories and helping players with in-game activities.

Each player is given a unique avatar and randomly allocated area on the map, on which this user can conduct activities: build a farm, grow plants and set up production.

Last updated